Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dukan Diet - Day 11 - NO WALK, NO CHANGE

Raining again this morning - hence no walk - and no change on the scales. Still 127 days and 17.6kg to go! It's making the need to join a gym seem more urgent every day!

Had a protein only day yesterday - stuck to it really well and rarely felt hungry. I did have a moment when the 'cake lady in reception' call came at work at 10am - needed to busy myself until she had left the premises with her evil goods. Fruit man due in today - will avoid nuts.

I have to say that the diet is BORING. I like to cook but I am not really enjoying preparing these meals - Dukan has taken the fun out of the kitchen! I don't think John is enjoying it either - he hates having a plate full of protein and carbs - and me with just protein (and greens on alternate days). Although he does enjoy taking a home made lunch to work.

I'm also amazed by how much butter we no longer use (it must have been me - butter on toast, butter on crumpet, butter on dinner roll).

I really need to take the exercise up a notch to get some bigger weight loss numbers - that will put the fun back into it!

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